Monday-B-bagels, cream cheese, juice
L-turkey, ham sandwiches
D-hot dogss with chilli, fries
Tuesday-B-oatmeal with fresh rasberries
D-taco salad, made with black beans and ground turkey(make double for Sat.)
Wednesday-B-bagels, cream cheese, fruit
L-egg salad (make extra for another meal), PBJ
D-men at baseball banquet, girls night out!
Thursday-B-eggs, toast
L-bean and cheese burritos, cantaloupe
D-chicken with summer squash and zucchini over whole grain pasta
Friday-B-whole wheat rasberry muffins
L-egg salad, PBJ
D-burgers, baked beans, cole slaw, watermelon, blueberry pies for desert
D-Taco Salad
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