I'm finding that most people think of cutting carbs as an extreme way of eating and generally think of it negatively. I imagine they are thinking that I am eating bacon and eggs smothered in butter and cheese burgers for meals everyday. This is far from reality for me. The main keys for me have been cutting ALL sugar (this is a big one) and all bread and grains for now. I am eating more vegetables than ever and at least one serving of fruit every day. This alone is a huge improvement from before starting this journey.
I think I have far too much to share in one post, so I'll get to the "nitty-gritty" of what I want to share today. I have lost eight pounds and it feels great. I can't believe how good it feels to be rid of eight measly pounds. Think how great ten, then twenty, and thirty is going to feel! I can't wait!
I have not changed much from my original plan. The only things I have added is a half of a banana to my smoothie every couple of days and some extra dark chocolate squares for an occasional treat. They are delicious and such a treat when you have a sweet tooth like mine.
Here's a list of things that I have enjoyed and have worked for me:
- eggs for breakfast- two or three eggs with sauteed onions and peppers, (some days with cheese for a little change) I thought I would get really tired of this, but I look forward to my eggs every morning. I have been using fresh organic farm eggs. They are so good and nothing in the stores compare. If you can find a local source of real eggs, it is worth the time, effort and money. You'll never want a pale little tasteless store bought egg again:)
- salads with homemade dressing, usually without meat, but I do like cheese and sunflower seeds for some crunch. Yum!
- portable snacks have been almonds, peanuts, cheese sticks and green apples. I try not to run out of these so I'm not tempted by the usual ball game fare. If I'm running out the door for errands or a ball game I will get a spoonful of peanut butter to eat while I drive. I must look kind of ridiculous, but it sure is good and I have come to enjoy it like a treat too.
- lots of water and unsweetened tea with lemon. I have been really good about getting in plenty of fluids. If I start to feel munchy like I want to snack instead I drink some water. I am really finding that what they say is true, that my body is really craving fluids rather than food. On the flip side if I still want something to eat I get a healthy snack.
Lest you think it's been all smooth sailing, the past three weeks have come with many temptations. We have had family here for a visit and ate several meals out. I had to search the menu and make special requests at times,but at the end of our meals I was full like everyone else and probably felt better too. We had lots of ball games, a meal after church, and a birthday party. I ate chocolate cake at the party ;) Hey, what's life without a little chocolate cake!