Saturday, April 19, 2008

Rose is Twelve Weeks Old

I say twelve weeks because it sounds better than 3 months, ya know? Babies grow much too fast! She just gets sweeter everyday...
Sometimes I am serious....
Sometimes not so much....

I love splashing at bath time....

I catch a ride whenever I can....

I love (no kidding) watching Survivor Man with Big Bro Jacob....(Papa, we could use some new shows:)

This week at CVS

Another great week at CVS. My new goals with CVS shopping are to not spend more that change on each transaction and to get things we need. This was a good week! I was able to purchase diapers, detergent, soap, allergy medicine (for Anna, poor thing), milk (not pictured) and vinegar. I bought bubbles for the babies and M&M's for Tommy! He is sharing with us too:0) It is nice to be able to get needed items and treats too! Almond M&M's are the bomb! Anna is in coupon training. She helped with the big trip in the third picture. Our favorite sweet cashier even gave her a candy bar, which made the shopping experience all that much "sweeter". All this for $2.22 off our gift card and $27 Extra Care Bucks for next week!
If you want to learn more about CVS shopping read more at Money Saving Mom! And I'm a Superstar at Denise's site!