The first two pictures are Abby's deals. Abby (aka the coupon queen) is my eleven year old. Happy Birthday Abby:0) She planned her two transactions using the weekly flyer, our list of what we had left to buy of the April deals, and a list of needs I had made to work into this weeks shopping. She did a great job as you can see. In the second picture you can see a small bag of Hershey's Bliss candy (good stuff). She had to throw one of these on the counter when her total after coupons came to -.02. The candy was on clearance for .25! She really understands how to make CVS work for us and is a huge help to me in many ways. With her help we are able to get in and out of CVS in under 30 minutes, which is about the limit for our little Rose.
Here are the totals...
Total before coupons...around $81, each transaction was just over $20
total out of pocket... 95cents!!
Extra care buck's for next week...$27
Go here to see how to get a $3 off $15 coupon!
Read more deals here... Super Savings Saturday and CVS Superstars!!