We were blessed with some great hand-me-downs this past week from a dear friend of ours, Marie. Thank you Marie! This is a picture of our littlest girls Wendy 3 and Lily 2. They are wearing two of the sweet dresses given to us. As you can see they would be much too short to wear alone, but being such cute dresses we knew they would make great shirts with some jeans.
Tommy (Daddy) happens to love this look! Lily's dress is soft warm flannel trimmed in denim, very cozy on this cold January day. Wendy's dress has a emboidered Pooh Bear that is hidden by her pig tail. "Wendy Pooh"loves Pooh Bear so she loved this dress and I am glad we could make it "work for her." There are lots of great tips today, read all of them at http://rocksinmydryer.typepad.com/shannon/2008/01/works-for-me-ga.html