It all started with a phone call from a friend at church. Within a few hours we had two dinners delivered to our door step and scores of folks praying for us in our church family.
Later in the evening, we had many groceries delivered to our door step from my cousin and her daughter. They drove forty five minutes from out of town to deliver us all our favorites. Thank you Mom for passing on our needs to them. God is so good and shows us through others how He is always there. Praise God for family, church family and natural family.
I'm so glad that you have family to step in at times like this. What a blessing! Nothing like passing around a little gift like the flu, huh?
Did you get sick, too? Take care of yourself. You'll need your strength in the coming days.
I'm sure that you are looking forward to meeting your new little one. If you are anything like me, I look forward to the time alone in the hospital to rest and hold that sweet baby all by myself. Keep us posted. I'll be praying for you this week.
Monica, Yes, I am sick too. Pictures of me were just too bad to post:) The timing of this illness is terrible, but I keep saying "The Lord knows what we can handle." I am so excited to hold my baby, we don't know yet if it is a boy or girl. We are all so excited to meet him or her.
We are planning a home birth with a midwife, so be in much prayer that we can get this terrible flu out of this house! Thank you for praying.
I wonder why the flu always hits at Christmas??? One year, we ALL had the flu for christmas. Unfortunately, we gave the boys these ambulances and fire trucks that had sirens! Once they felt better enough to care about the toys, we had to listen to those sirens until we thought our heads would split open!
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