School will be starting here next Monday, August 17. We never
really stop school. Well, we do take breaks, sometimes quite lengthy breaks. I like having time between Thanksgiving and Christmas to bake and be crafty! But we try to continue reading and math year round and play a lot of catch-up after a new baby arrives. I love having this flexibility as a homeschooler.
This year is especially exciting because we have decided to participate in a homeschool co-op. We will meet on Mondays and the parents each teach and assist one class. The rest of the week our work will be completed at home. It's going to take a lot of organization and effort on our part to be successful. But, the payoff of completing so many classes for all of my children will be huge. I really need the help this year!
Here is a run down of the classes that we will take either in co-op school or at home. Anything marked with an * will be taught at home. I will be glad to answer any questions in the comments.
Jacob (16yo)Saxon Algebra 1 *
Apologia Physical Science
Bob Jones American Government
Bob Jones Economics
Virginia History
Institute for Excellence in Writing
Abeka Geography
Samuel (14yo)Saxon math *
Apologia Physical Science
Abeka Geography
Abeka Health
Institute for Excellence in Writing
Spelling and Grammar review *
Abigail (12yo)Saxon math *
Apologia General Science
World History
Geography Through Art
Institute for Excellence in Writing
Anna (10yo) Saxon math*
Shurley English
Apologia Astronomy
Virginia History
spelling review*
required reading*
Wendy (5yo)Children's literature Five in a Row (I'm teaching this class at co-op)
Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons*
Lily (soon to be 4 yo)number and letter recognition *
as much paint and markers as I can stand :) She loves to paint and create art! *